Today is the day Journal! We officially leave for Europe. I thought I'd be more excited, like I'm about to faint I'm so excited, but I guess I was just trying not to freak out that it turned into paralyzing tension and I stopped being able to comprehend the greatness that was about to happen. So, naturally I spent most of the flight passed out...because I was so excited.
Clara, sweet Clara drove us to Newark at 5:30AM after a whopping 2 hour nap. We get to the airport to find out that we can't sit together (Thanks Virgin Atlantic!) and not only that but after all the hours on the phone I spent with the airline this past week, they didn't change the name on my ticket. (Ticket said Jen Larson, Passport says Jennifer Larson. ) After all that hassle, and pretending I was really upset at the ticket person, it still printed out as Jen Larson. So at this point who knows if I can actually get on the plane!
Luckily, TSA is stupid and/or didn't care that my name wasn't correct and they let me onboard. I was even checked 3 different times, by 3 different people, but whatevs....LET'S GO TO EUROPE!!!
Let me preface this by saying I hate flying. Obviously, I'll fly places, but I'm no fan so naturally a 7 hour flight will be a piece of cake, right?
Nightmare. I sat next to this guy who was obsessed with buying things from the plane, he was constantly reaching over my seat. He bought his significant other a $150 necklace, among other things.....what??? Also, I sat in the aisle seat, next to the bathroom, so I was constantly bumped into, making it extremely easy to sleep.
I tried watching 2 movies but only ended up watching half of the Descendants, and half of the Change Up. Both sub-par. I was not in the mood to watch anything, I just wanted to get there.
Finally, after an eternity we arrived in LONDON!!!!
We went through customs and got our first stamp on our passport. The lady that stamped them probably thought we were weird, because we jumped up and down in excitement for a silly stamp, but hey, dgaf.
We walked through the maze of Heathrow, grabbed our backpacks and set out to find a familiar face. GEORGE MAIN!
We hadn't contacted him before we left so we hoped he was at the airport. We also had already turned our phones off and we didn't have any English money, so, we crossed our fingers.
Alas, waiting on the other side baggage claim....GEORGE!!!!! Finally, all is right in the world! It had been way to long since I'd seen his face! Along for the ride was Dean, and Jeff, and I was equally excited to see them too.
The 5 of us set out for Basingstoke, the boys introduced us to what they had been living off of for the last day. Crisps called Space Invaders.
(Now I know what you're thinking, that picture says they're called Space Raiders, I call them Invaders, deal with it!)
Space Invaders are an acquired taste...that I can't describe. They are horrible at the beginning, but grow on you as you continue to eat them....I never got acquired enough to eat a full bag.
We finally got to George's house and it is so awesome! His family is super precious, and OMG Harry!!! George, Sloan, Jeff, and I thought it was a great idea to spend the night playing Ring of Fire in the kitchen. (We got to Basingstoke around 9PM English time, which would make that 3pm Chicago time, so we considered it day drinking!)
Feels like we've lived her all our lives!!
Time for sleep,