I went to Europe for 35 days, and this is what happened.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

May 8th


Today we woke up and promptly began our road trip from Basingstoke to LIVERPOOL!! We ended up leaving George's around noon, swooped up Dean and then headed out to Tim's!!! Slept some of the way, and watched Dean car dance to English rap songs the rest of the way...(I'd say Dean's dancing was the highlight of the drive, for sure!!) On the way we decided to call Nile to see if he was back in Liverpool. He answered :), and a plan was set, and lets not forget Nicola, Nile called her and everyone was on board for a night on the town!!!

We got to TIM'S!!!!! house in Preston (a suburb of Liverpool) around 5/6PM, just in time to eat some amazing chilli that Tim's mom made for us. So awesome! He's family is so sweet and nice, I wish we stayed a longer to hang out, but to Liverpool we go.

Now journal,  this is the first actual time Sloan and I had to carry our backpacks for a long period of time, up until now they were either shoved into a trunk or a plane or sprawled out on a floor somewhere. The walk to the train from Tim's house was a struggle. A 40 lb. pack is no picnic to carry around for a while. (Retrospectively speaking, this wasn't the longest we had to carry our backpacks around, and looking back on it now,  it was a walk in the park!)

Half an hour later we arrived in Liverpool, oh man, so awesome! On the walk to Tim's apartment guess who we run into, the one, the only, NILE HARWOOD-JENKINS... with hair!!!!! We dropped our rucksacks at Tim's and headed to a pub for a football match. Liverpool vs. Chelsea. There we drank Carlsburg beer and meet up with Nicola and her friend Stacy. If you lost count journal, our group is now 9 people.

After the game we headed back to Tim's and got ready for the night. I was pretty tired and not really up for going out but I cleaned myself up, took a caffeine pill and SUITED UP (please don't mind the How I Met Your Mother references)

Apparently it's proper procedure to Liverpuddlians and all English folk to drink heavily before they go out. So the boys drank Fosters and Sloan and I drank our weight in vodka. LOL. but seriously.

After we were feeling good, we went out and craziness ensued. I'd tell you the details journal, but I'm a bit fuzzy. Eventually the night came to a close when Nile was kicked out of the club. haha, his reaction was priceless "My dad owns this club, it's okay, they'll all be fired tomorrow" HAHA

Got back to Tim's and feel asleep with George's shirt as my blanket and my jacket as a pillow.


Things to remember:

-  Stacy and her chilli tequila, and desperados!
-  Dry Shampoo
- "take out, take out, take out, pub, pub, take out." -Tim

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