Hi J,
Not many hours have passed from laying down to sleep, to waking up again. I probably went to sleep around 3/4AM and woke up at 7AM. I was freezing! No sleep til ICELAND!
The boys woke up 4 hours later and Sloan and I had already showered, gotten ready, and packed up. What can we say, we're productive when we're hung over.

After a fit BKFST, our sightseeing tour began with a trip to some Beatles places, like the club they started playing at, which looked like the opening scene from the movie Across the Universe, and some gift shops and stuff like that. Tim is such a awesome tour guide. He took us through Liverpool One, which is some sort of outdoor mall place, and we played Adventure Golf. George set off some lightening and thunder golf hole sound effect thing that made a lot of noise like a storm. haha.
When you walked in there was a huge box of blue rubber ducks. It was explained to us that each duck had a number on the bottom of it, and people put in money to get a number for the duck, and later in the year they were going to release the ducks down the river and the person who had number of the duck who crossed the finish line first won all the money! I wish I bought one!

Sadly the day died down and we had to leave Tim :( The boys still wanted to go shopping and we still have more TECers to visit.
Liverpool was so amazing, and it was so fun to finally reunite with Tim, Nile, and Nicola. We piled into George's car and skipped over to Manchester to visit Andy.
We met Andy at the Trafford Centre and killed 3 birds with 1 stone:
- the boys got to go shopping (since Trafford Centre is a giant mall)
- we got dinner
- and we got to see Andy :)

Due to exams we were only able to hang out with Andy and reminisce for a few hours, but it was totally worth it!!
Once more we got into George's car and headed back to Basingstoke where we will reside until tomorrow when we depart for London!
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